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In Our World. Legends Never Die… They Shrink.?. Aways… Whilst Many Sciences Seemingly Unable To Investigate Our Giants… Creatures, Plants Get Buzzed Plainly Arounds. About Times, Places. Flowers. Insects. Big Large Giants. Buzzing Ons… photocredit/thanks:muhammadabdo


Whilst many in Our World. Legends of the Sciences

dither, dallying greatly. On the aspect, prospect of Us

being GIANTS in and of Yore. All too keen. To


push firmly along those Narratives of GIANT



and FLORA. INSECTS also. Also


Dragon-Fly Circuit Boardus… Mod. Repo.


The Big Buzz

of Natural Giants,

leads i, Shiro to seek and search. Herein. For

the Largest GIANT Insect and Flower…

Known Hereof. Herein In Our World. Legends

Of Yore. As Belows.


There were Times, Places.

Where Giants Were.



Whilst this may… buzz off many People.

In Our World Legends.

So We Were. Of Yore. POV. Herein.


Giants. That is. Is That




(Music Link)


so Termed when things get. Larger

than Life. Normally. Naturally


this… affliction afflicts many Species.

Creatures,.. Plants.

The Dinosaurs a Classic Example.

Herein. Two Mores. One of Yore.


An Insect.

A Flower.



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As Slide-Shown. Aboves.


The current and Modern Dragon-Fly

is an Insect. Smallish in size… 1-6 cm…

sorta’ cute looking, inquisitive with that

stop-start Flight Patterns. Of Yore…



The Griffin-Fly, (… an Ancestor of the Dragon-…)

nomened in the Sciences Family:



An Insect whose Wing-span.

Was Abouts, Arounds the Size, Length of a…

Cat… including Tail… App. 70+ cm.


A Buzzing Giant in Deed. Indeed



too. To deep within, The Jungles of Sumatra.

Select other Times, Places also. Also

Lies a Parasite. Parasitic Flower that is. That is


so nomened Rafflesia arnoldii.

The Largest Flower in Our World. Legends

also say… This Plant stinks. On Purpose.

To attract Insects as well. Well as,


One of the greatest sized prodigy’s of Nature

and it’s Vegetative


A Parasitic Plant, it binds within the Roots.


Mainly of wild Jungle Vines.

Such as The Tetrastigma lanceolarium.



This Flower can be over a Meter wide.

Giant. Pretty too. To


and with Buds colored. As Large as Cabbages.

Mainly Pale Jungle Reds with flower wart spots all over. Over

a period of 1-2-3 Years the Plant slowly develops, living

off the Host Plant.


Once the Bud emerges… some…

9 Months Later…

for only 3-4 Days


Rafflesia will Bloom. Flower. Out.



Smelling like… Dead Meat.

Stinking. Still. Still


as Times go bys…

the Flower reabsorbed. Disappears.

Back into the Jungles of Our World. Legends

of the Sciences so also soon enough Tell. Tales


that this Plant has no Roots, Stems or Leaves.

Propagation and Cultivation of this Giant Flower

has not been yet fully achieved.


Further exacerbated by the Jungles… disappearing

as well. Well as




the Smell. Giant Flowers that in Our World.


Legends may soon enough Tell. Verging

on Extinction. Extinct too already is that

Griffin Dragon-Fly.


The Largest Insect Ever Been. In

Our World. Legends




of the Sciences Tell Tales that many Ancestors.

Of Insects of Yore. Were Giants.


In the Mod. Real. Now.

The Larger Wing-Spans controlled

by ButterFlies.


The Longest, a Stick Insect… almost

Two Feet. The Chan MegaStick.


Btw’s… the Egg Capsule of that Insect.

Has Wings also. Also


as Belows.

Our Worlds Largest Flower. Still.




(Music Link)


Still so. Feel Greatly Freed.

To Share.


If One Choice. You Have.

Of and From Nature’s. Gifts.


Pick and Choose

One… To So GIANT Size.


Whom or What So…

Would That Be.?.


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Next… Is so. So to be, Corporacy Overs Democracy. With the

Brexit Exit.?. What About. The Corporate Square Mile.


Please Feel Free and If So Inclined To Contact/Comment:..

i, Shiro that is.

With Any Thoughts, Hints, Tips and Dreams.

If A Particular Legendary Theme or Our World Legends. Is A Desire.


To Be So Writ. Herein.


Till next…


Indeed. In Our World. Legends Sciences Shirk in deed.