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Pick-Pocketing In Our World. Legends Tell Tales Of That. Best The Prince. Of Thieves At That. So What Happens When A Real. King Becomes The Prince. Of Thieves New Apprentice.?. Herein. What Happened. So Next.


Magic in Our World. Legends

tell of much Trickery. Such deceptive illusory

Tales. So

such Skill bases are also. Also

based in those. Arts

of PickPocketing in Deed. Indeed

The Then PickPock so


grinned as these Egyptian Cell Doors. Shut.


Him, He the most notorious,

nefarious too. To be so nomened

a Prince of Thieves. So was

Free. Freedom so rained,..


albeit conditional, Freedoms reins


bys. His New priceless Reigning

princely.?. Apprentice.?.


The King.




Magician. Thief King. Farouk

1. One Far Out


Man-King-Magician Prince-Of-Thieves.

That King. Of Egypt


had freely so, not so. Commonly,

so Decreed. That



For Royalty. Commoners too. To

using A Multi-Disciplinary. Approach is

quite so. Oft

a good Starting Point. Pointedly


leading to an Overalls. Wells

Rounded about View. Of


the Matter. Mattering

in Our World. Legends so Tell. Tales


not about any. Alls




(Music Link)


forms of upper

crustal Society’s Protocol. So ignored

ignobly. When


Magician. Thief King.

All Far Out

So combine. In One


Person. Personally, princely


Nomened Farouk 1. One


Person Of far High-Society. Standing

or Otherswise and a. Trickster Personality

there. Therein 1920-1965


so favouring



One Farouk 1. One

of Egypt’s. Kings too. To

King Farouk 1


One of The subtle Arts of Greet and. Meet

were Times, Places

for light fingered. Thievery. His


Will so Which

Another One. High Societal

that is. Is that imposed upons

of The Winston Churchill

a none favoured so. Willing Victim. So easily. So



of King Farouk’s Prince

Of Thieves Far Out. Moves Deceptively


with Distractive Capabilities. Combinings


so well. So lifted The Winston’s Stuff


Winston The When Younger. Smokes In Our World. Legends Clipped Ended Of Cigared.


stuffed inside His Stately


and so forth. Forthrightly

wrongly Farouk flipped righteous Churchill

for Everything... He could get His Hands.

Ons. Or rather IN. Churchills Pockets

that is. That




never knew. A thing


of such a thing. Before. Now


Featured Topic Image



considerably lighter wise. Wised Ups. Not.


so still rambled. Ons. Unaware

the still smiling faced. Facing Hims



even scored. His So Prized Pockets

Watch. Watching


Featured Topic Image

Farouk 1.


the young King.

Winston surly. Huffed and puffed. That

Cigar almost choking so. When Princely Thief


Suave King Farouk 1. One

Far out

Man-King-Prince-Of-Thieves. So Came out

of the trickery Closet per se. To distinctly

distinguishly pronounce


with BTW;.. Thanks for the Time. Piece...



In Our World. Legends Tell Times Ons Real. Carved Outs Wheels. Hows Herein.


Winston too. To Pieces so went. So

huffed, puffed and smokily surely


Broodingly harrumphed well as. As well

asking for IT ALLS back Thanks much. Such

carryings and Elites

liftings. Were no light Matters. Diplomatically



Just as with. Winston. Himself, so

Mightily peeved. Perturbed also. Also


so unprettily pissed offs. So Off



with subtlety. So off

this Meeting. So went no more. Moreovers

being so. Over

The Meeting went. Off. Of


this then. Meet and Greet. Was Done. Overs

and Done in Deed That is. That is

when that.


The Princely King grudgingly returned. Those

Hot lordly thieved Goods. Of Winston’s. He

actually expected to. To be so

allowed too. To

keep Thems-

after Alls. He did the so light

fingers necessary. Work. To


get Thems in Deed. Indeed

a Far out Dude Farouk 1. One


So was nobly ignorant yet


Multi-Disciplinary with no


Discipline. Himself.


Deserves a good



... Crowning then so seems. Seemingly

Next… Posted Will. Be This... Thus

A Surprise. So Then. See You Next.



Please Feel Free. If So Inclined too.

To Contact/Comment:..

i, Shiro that is.

With Any Thoughts, Hints, Tips, Dreams.

If A Particular Legendary Theme or Our

World Legends. Is A Desire.


To Be So Writ. Herein.


Till next…