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Swords In Our World. Legends Tell. Tales Handed-Downs Overs Times, Places. A Giant Killer Lives On. That Monster Cutter… After. Alls That. Huge Acts Of Justice. Trails in Our World. Legends of Wedding Dowry, Avoiding Fires, Curing a Child’s Insomnia Found too. Part Two as well.


With the previous demise of. The Giant.

That One.

So massively Drunk. Now largely Headless. One

酒呑童子物語Shutendōji Monogatari. The


Giant Shutendoji. That Sword. Belows. Imaged.

Herein thereof. There

abouts, arounds Japan. Of Yore. This

Blade. That

nomened so. Did go.


This Dōjigiri so went. Ons. In History

in Our World. Legends

of That Giant Blade. That slayed. That

GIANT. So Tell.



Moreovers. To become


Featured Topic Image

The Dojigiri. That Sword.


A Modern Cultural. Icon and

National Treasure. Monster

Cutter. Of Yore.

The Dōjigiri-Yasutsuna.



Went in Deed. In Others Ways. Also.

Through much more. Than

just a Lil’. More. Then


Of Yore. Japan. Back then

That Swords. Giant

Trail Tales

well as. Continue. Herein


Featured Topic Image

That Giant.



(Music Link)


this Monster. Cutter in Our World. Legends

insist, persist. Possibly


next within those Hands. Of One.


Nitta Yoshisada 新田義貞, 1301-1338.

Military. Martial. Man.

A General of the Nanbokuchō Period.

This Sword. Then used in His. Campaign for




Later in Times, Places. Noted

Edo-period Scholar Arai Hakuseki 新井白石, 1657-1725.

So writ. Noted The Dōjigiri was now. Part of the



Of the Settsu family 摂津.

Advisers of The Muromachi Bakufu. The



Ashikaga Shōgun Yoshiteru 足利義輝, 1536-1556

–Then on and to

Daimyo Oda Nobunaga 織田信長, 1534-1582.


Included next in the Property of His Successor

Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉, 1537-1598.

This Daimyo also ordered The Collection of The

Hon´ami Kōtoku 本阿弥光徳, 1553-1619.


A Collection of Drawings Catalogued.

Of All The Swords of the family Toyotomi. The

resulting Work recorded

as: Kōtoku Katana Ezu 光徳刀絵図. Next



To Shōgun Tokugawa Ieyasu,.. Now Times of The

1550-1600’s. The Dōjigiri also

now. No longer used in Battle. Ceremonial.

Treasured. A Cutting Test


was performed in the Edo Period. Passed on from

Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康, 1542-1616. To His

Successor. Son also. Hidetada. Also Shōgun.

Hidetada 秀忠, 1579-1632. Passed on too. Into


the Tsuyama Branch of the Matsudaira family. Vis:

Hideyasu 秀康, 1574-1607.  Who was the. That

Second Son

of Tokugawa Ieyasu- granted The Sword. Of


when adopted 天正, 1590. By

Yūki Harutomo 結城晴朝, 1534-1614.


Of Shimōsa province Passed. Down



then. Vis a Hidetada Nephew. One

Matsudaira Tadanao 松平忠直, 1596-1650.

As part of the

Wedding. Dowry.

Of His Third Daughter.

A Mamori-gatana, 守刀. Of the Ceremony for


Katsuhime 勝姫 in Keichō 16 慶長, 1611. After.

Such a Main Event. Still. Mores. So to

come. Coming

next. In Our World. Legends of

History. Mentioned.

So Tell. As Told. Now… which was. Then. Then


a Youngster’s… Bed Times, Places. Companion.!.


Within The Matsudaira. Families. A Tradition. Of

Sorts. Emerged.

The Baby-Sitter. Sword. Type.

A Night Times, Places.

Comforter Toy Type.

Per se.

Next too. To a Night-Light lit. Childly


Young Matsudaira Mitsunaga. Was

slowly but surely. Turning. Insomniac.



Every Night a FrickStorm. Of Stress. For

His Parents that is. That is until. Till

a House-Hold Servant shared. A


Memory. Remembering

such Tales. In Our World. Legends Tell

soon enough. Had

Mitsunaga’s Parents. Eventually. Slept

well as. Well as


The Rest of the House-Hold. There.

There, Their- This

Sword. Rightly and too. Next to



the evers so. Now. Growing

Matsudaira Mitsunaga;..


Later and Btw’s. He who. When Grown.

Ups. Mores. So

and more besides. That. So Became a Sponsor

and Employer of the

Swordsmith Ōmura Kaboku also. Also

later. That was. Then. Where

So and was… Exiled. During which...

This Legendary Sword was so. Also

Then. Neglected


from any Nightly involvement. So

Rusted. So became.

Fulls of… That


Koma-sabi 胡麻錆 = “…Sesame-rust…”. Frick. Fricked

off. When and then. He. Mitsunaga returned…

eventually. Immediately

ordered the Official

Polishers. To do some. Works. Polishing

Ups. That Dōjigiri. Then. There too. To that



was a close. Call for That. The Sword. For Then

there was. This. A Fire


Fricked. Almost. The Building next

doors also. Also

burning down/ups. That Front.

Door. Next door

to the Polishers. Door. Front. Just so

Went Ups. Some Flames.

Allsarounds. Abouts


this Places, Times as well. Well as

going Places

was. The Sword. Then.


Then ’twas so Moved. To a

Fricken. Safer Place then. Then



was so Polished Ups. Then

down. Into the Hands of One


Adopted Son. Sixth Daimyo of Tsuyama

in Mimasaka Province.

One Nobutomi 宣富, 1680-1721.

In 10 Genroku 元禄, 1697. Thereabouts. Their


Tsuyama branch of the Matsudaira family. Then.

Tested the Blade. Using The. MasterSword Tester

Machida Chōdayu 町田長太夫 also. Also


During that Jōkyō era 貞享, 1684-1688.

The Dōjigiri was examined and compared

by the Hon´ami Family. Appraisers. Appraised,

Rated as being of a Superior Quality. Noted. Notes



in Our World. Legends then. So Tell. Shōgun

Tokugawa Yoshimune 徳川吉宗, 1684-1751.

Held. The Sword. Of herein. Therein, thereof


Ordering the Appraisers… 本阿弥光忠

to conduct a Catalogue. Those

most Famous. Swords... Meibutsu, 名物.

Of this

Country. Japan. In 1719. Then



this Works. Those Registers so called:

Kyōhō Meibutsu Chō 享保名物帳 lists. Lists

that so include The Dōjigiri-Yasutsuna.

Further. Mores. ‘Tis one of the. Now nomened:

“…Five Great SwordsTenka-goken, 天下五剣.


Such connections continued too. To be. Round

abouts. Those

Times, Places. Of

January 23rd 1933, the Dōjigiri.

Was still. With The Matsudaira Family. Of Viscount


Matsudaira Yasuharu 松平康春 . For was then. There

designated as a

National Treasure. Till

ww2. Till that End. Of. Ending so


Ups. In Sword Collector’s Tamari Sannosuke’s.

玉利三之助 Collection.

Vis Sword Dealer Dealings. With Ishiguro Kuro 石黒久呂



Sold Ons too. To Murayama Kanji 村山寛二

Who… Pawned it too. To initiate,

enwrap. This Giant Defeatings. Sword.

In a Legal Wrangle. Wrangling


by Government Authorities and Officials.


In 1963 too. To

Kept it. Safe. For soon. Japan’s then


Agency of Cultural Affairs. The Bunkacho 文化庁

So purchased, preserved now. Ins The

Tokyo National. Museum. Then as. Now. Now…


trailing off


Featured Topic Image


Next… Post Ups. So Is: Then:

Non-Sandy. Handy Cart Wheels. Of Times.


Please Feel Free. If So Inclined too. To


i, Shiro that is.

With Any Thoughts, Hints, Tips, Dreams.

If A Particular Legendary Theme or Our

World Legends. Is A Desire.


To Be So Writ. Herein.


Till next…