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Living In Our World. Legends of Whale Song, Haunting Melodies, Uniquely Melancholic. Giant of Size in Our World Deep Blues. Seas, Oceans Alls contains. Volcanos. ThereUnder. The Waters. Waters Warmed Under Glacial Ice. Sea Caves, Mores too. To See The Ways Whale. The Whale Weighs. Heavy. On Minds, Scales. Slide-Show Seas. To See. As well.


The Long Term Benefits of Nature’s Volcanic Processes. Processing

Deep In, Under Our Waters, carries alongs a willing, wailing


One of the Largest In Our World. Legends sung so,

of the Family Cetacea from and of Sciences of Seas, Oceans.


so Concerned. Mari-Times, -Places and so forth. Forthrightly,



Whales, Songs,

Warm Ice Caves,

Waters Super High-Way

and Mores,…

surfaces in Mind. Minds of i,Shiro that is. That is


Alls Overs… Rounds, Wetly Abouts and In

Our World. Legends of These Sciences



so Tell of Active Volcanoes still. Still…

Being Active. There. Watery Depths, Deeps.

Whales as well. Well as


Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises so comprise the CETACEAN

Family of Species. Near the Tops of this and that,

The Food Chain

per se, very few Natural Predators-


though Man Tops that List.



Very Large generally, though Pygmy/Dwarf Varieties exist.

Air Breathing Mammals.

Warm-Blooded, Live Off-Spring, Milk Producing.

Nursing can last several Years.

6/13 Great Whale Species still listed as Endangered.


The Blue Whale can attain Lengths of nearly 30 mtrs.

180 Tons in Weight… = approx. 35 Mature Elephants.


A Mature Large Specied Whale’s… Tongue =…

… A Mature Adult Elephant’s Weight.



A Large Mature Species Whales… Heart =…

…Size of A Small Car. ThereAbouts.

The Heart’s Aorta of Size enough, for a Child…

…nomened Yu-Kiang, Natsilane, Paikea, Jonah… Or OthersWise…

To Crawl Thru’ too. To



However, Scaling Downs Naturally. With

The Pygmy/Dwarf Species Full Length approx. 2.5 mtrs+.

The Orca Whales… Btw’s… Are A Dolphin… Species.


Whales primarily Feeding on Plankton, Krill, Squid,

Fish, Crab, Octopus,

Shrimp and such Marine Creatures.

Nutrient Rich in the main.


Whale Bone/Horn Carving. Scrimshaw Style.



(Video Link)



The Whales… according to certain Experts… related to The

Land lovin’, bound. Large mouthed,

Hippo Family. Whales ”…are a sister group to Hippopotamids…”.


Hows and Evers;..

Whales Can Sing.

For Days.

Loud and Aloud.

Wailings aways Whales it seems. In Deed.

Large, largely Loudly as well. Well as


Days. NON-STOP.!?. Indeed,

Huge Lungs then too. To then



Becomes not only The Largest. LOUDEST

also. Also Sung in a deep, Low Frequency.

Solo or in Unison.


Benefiting by how Sound carries thru’

Waters. Whale Songs can be Heard… MILES AWAYS.

MilesHundreds Thereof. Therein such strength…


LOUDER THAN A JET. Full Bore. Overs 185+ Decibels

of Singings. So Sung. Wailed. Jets abouts 140. We

can only …Bear…


110 ish. Naturally


Large. Loud. Splashing Out.


Vulcan Spews. Wailing

Good News

for the Cetaceans in deed. Indeed

whilst we oft decry the Volcanic Response

for it’s random takings of Life We also appreciate

the influx of Nutrients later in Soils. Such


Anomalies of Nature are Alls. Part

of the Process, Processes in Our World. Legends

of Yore. Grecian, Roman. VULCAN

divinely endow the Nomen. Herein.



Maritime Research indicates:

Far beneath Glacial Ice, Waters therein lies Heat. Warmth

so generated by Our World Volcanism. Volcanoes Deep within

Waters, Earths Crust and so ons. Heat trapped, firstly



Steam Pockets. Lava then follows, flowings into the

Deep Waters…


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Solidify. Hardens.

Tending to flow and follow prevalent Currents.

Creating Layers, Diverse Land/Sea -Scapes, Paths,

and mores. Over Times, Places,

forming long, connected… rich Lava Soil. Deep

Under Water


Chains of these Vulcans derived:

Lava sourced UnderWater “…SuperHighways… Per se. For such

and which as The Whales too. To


Sing Alongs Their Ways. Swimmingly.

Ways Deep.


These UnderWaters SeaMounts OutPourings;..

Mountain PathWays created within Deep and spacious,

warmer Waters can exist even under Ice Caves and other

Structures/Formations in the shallower Waters. Such


Temperature Differentials provide and

seem a Place Whales. Don’t Mind. To Go. Follow. In

deed. Indeed


Image of Sea Mountains Range-csiro.

Sonar SeaMount Map. Near Tasmania, Australia. A Chain of Mounts Some 3 Miles Beneath. Deep.


Thus Warming Waters soon attract extra/anewed PhytoPlanktons

Activities below. Activity aboves Ground n Waters too. To

and with Life so under increasing. Increasingly

Cycles of Sea-Life will bloom. Then

attracting Birds-Lifes overs, as well. Well as The


Sea Mountains. Volcanic.

The Begins of such Cycles.


Eruptions that, filtered by Waters over

Times, Places will promote Life.

Linking, Forming Zones that attract.


Of Whales. Wailing. Still.





Slide-Show. Time,



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Conservation seems paramount if We In Our World

are to Live and Let Live. Our increasing presence presents

and oft demands unique chances to interact.

Species to Species.



Sensible enough to Realise… We Alls Must Eat.

Sensitive enough to Know… So Others. Need To.


Sensitivities, Sensibilities. Apply.

Life… is oft about Balancing.

Needs v Wants.



…i, Shiro,..


Alls… Need a Life.

A Balanced World… includes Others. Others


in Ways We can Learn and apply Knowledge too. To

Alls Our Lives.


Without Taking. All. Theirs.



Feel mores than Watery. To Share.




A Whale… of a Tale.

A Fav. Fishy tailTales. Tell.



Stories of Seas, Ocean Blues.

Wave Ridings, Beach Parties. Mores.?.

Ways and Means.

Oceans. Long and Wide.


Nature did Share. Sharing



Next… Herein. So Be: That and This. Those

9 Pant Crappers In Our World. Legends.


Please Feel Free and If So Inclined To Contact/Comment:..

i, Shiro that is.

With Any Thoughts, Hints, Tips and Dreams.

If A Particular Legendary Theme or Our World Legends. Is

A Desire.


To Be So Writ. Herein.



Till next…