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As Samhain, Festivals of the Dead do so Cycle on. A Fare Ye Well Ode. To that. Seasons Change Upon Us. Times and Places to Fall about and Spring clean out as well. A Last lingering look with Words that Rhyme a lil’. A sorrowful Look at Decay, Death and Regeneration. The Times in’tween. The Halloween. Herein. Goodbyes.


All that has Grown thru. In Nature’s Season just Done.

All Harvest picked and sorted. So ripened by Our Sun.


Falls decay, sorrows gathered, arounds in piles.

Homestead spruced up clean, to so bring-

Clear, bright Smiles.


As This Night so Begins.

So Begins, Nature’s Change.

As Lands Stop the Growing.


So Death, Decay, Begin to Rain. Then



Mountain Fire, to Purify, Cleanse and Release.

Devils, Gods, All. To Honor and so Appease.


Times to set Your wayward Ways then,

so All and Right.

Times in deed, to just Set your Worldly Ways,

All Alight.


A Clean start, a Fresh Season, Starts so then Anew.

Hallowed All, even those Dearly Departed, Lost Few.

Hallowed All, Young n Old and Those

All in ‘tween.


A Change of Time. A Change of Heart.

For upon Us Now, ’tis Halloween.



A Change.

Halloween’s Samhain

of the Heart.


Samhain may seem macabre to those who fail to spot

the Regenerative Pulse/impulse that so lies within. Within

and venerated by many of Our Ancient Ancestors. That is

that Decay, Death then Seasonally Lead. Backs to Life.

A Cycle. Full-Circle.


A Life-Cycle.


Made Festive. In Appreciation. Of Life.

In Remembrance of that great Human. Endings


ins Those Mysteries. Of Life, Death.



Whilst Samhain is the Gaelic/Celtic/Druid applicable Term.

Many Cultures, Countries, Groups and Organisations all

have over Times and Places perpetuated these Our World

Legends of the Festivals Of


Death or of the Dead.


Mexico’s Dia de los Muertos. Day Of The Dead.

Wicca’s The Straw/Wicker Man Burnings.

Bohemian Grove’s Grand Great Owl Burnings.


Are some current examples.

Themed akin they involve the getting rid of Last Years dross

in some manner and then

giving and sharing the Bounties of the Harvest.


Acknowledging both Death and Life.

Those Times of Change.


We All. Go thru’.



Our World Legends.

Be One.


Change it Up.

When You need. To.




Going Japanese. Gaming Japanese. 7 Ways.



Please Feel Free and If So Inclined To. To


i, Shiro that is.

With Any Thoughts, Hints, Tips and Dreams.

If A Particular Legendary Theme or Our World Legends. Is A Desire.


To Be So Writ. Herein.




Till next…